
Achievements in Flixel

View the Project on GitHub Tal3D/FlxAchievementSystem

The FlxAchievementSystem is a class built on Flixel that handles global achievements for individual games. It utilizes flash's shared object (or FlxSave) to save achievement progress.

Quick Start

The FlxAchievementSystem is built out of 3 classes:

import org.flixel.plugin.chameneon.*;

Everything you need to be good to go is a static instance of FlxAchievementSystem (it should be static so you can unlock achievements from anywhere in your project).


1. Declare a static instance of FlxAchievementSystem (do this in your FlxGame class):
public static var achievementSystem:FlxAchievementSystem;
2. Declare an array of achievements (all your achievements should go in here as adding them later would cause the savefile to corrupt):
private var achievements:Array =
    new FlxAchievement("My first achievement", "Description"),
    new FlxAchievement("My second achievement", "Description")
3. In the constructor of your FlxGame class instantiate the FlxAchievementSystem:
achievementSystem = new FlxAchievementSystem("name of save", achievements);
4. Last add the FlxAchievementSystem to the Flixel plugins (also in the FlxGame's constructor):

Unlocking Achievements

To unlock achievements simply call the unlock() function.

Erasing Progress

To erase the progress on the savefile call erase().


I highly encourage you to contribute to this project as I would love to improve it.